Fashion comes and goes. Money come and go. Boyfriends come and go. But what about presents? We receive presents...and we give it away...or we keep it.
In the milennium of speed, consumerism and automatism, do presents have the same value like in the past? Some people cherish souvenirs from friends, parents, lovers, ex-lovers. Some just give it away if they don't like it. Or, out of generosity, they give it to someone that likes it more. Or some just keep the practical and new things around. Some just don't remember about presents or don't care. To which category belongs the majority?
One of my ex-boyfriends kept the presents of his exes. I was jealous in a way, but not mad. We used to make fun of this toy-pumpkin in his bookshelf. I used to threaten him I would give it to the dog to chew it. I never did. It's probably still there. Someone else is asking about it. Or makes fun of it. Or maybe makes fun of some of my presents...if they're still there.
Are people so superficial these days? I keep thinking...In my tiny room, every square inch is populated...CDs, books, magazines, cosmetics, toys, presents. All kind of presents. Funny, broken, expensive, brought from other countries, from very close friends, from highschool colleagues I barely remember, small, big, sentimentally-priceless, old-fashioned, melancholy-bringing, useless, worshipped, practical, forgotten...stuff occupying space...memories occupying mind... fridge magnets, key-locks, book-signs, pottery, beads, candle-lamps, teddy bears, hats, photo albums, skarfs, games...
For people who are the keeping type...are presents part of them? Are the keepers valued for their loyalty to present givers?
Perhaps presents are part of us...close friends or people who know us well chose presents that will suit the future, in the end, it means that presents we receive can really say something about our personality.
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Bună Ziua!
Eu sunt Vlad, unul dintre membrii Radio Whisper, un radio anti-manele dedicat bloggerilor şi nu numai.
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Cu scuzele de rigoare pentru acest mesaj de tip spam,acest mesaj este dedicat tie si la cei care merita care ii citim aproape zi de zi.
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Pe Radio Whisper se difuzează toate genurile de muzică, exceptând manele şi piesele necenzurate, avem şi câteva emisiuni, ştiri etc. Ne-am propus să realizăm un proiect mare, iar pentru asta avem nevoie de susţinerea şi ajutorul tău şi al celorlalţi colegi bloggeri. Dorim să creăm o echipă numeroasă, de oameni cu un talent aparte şi m-am gândit că, poate, ai vrea să ni te alături şi să colaborăm, binenţeles, pe unul dintre domeniile care îţi place. Dorim, de asemenea,sa iti acordam un scurt interviu. Pentru noi sunt importante ideile şi modul de a gândi al bloggerilor şi al ascultătorilor noştri.
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